
Why Businesses Should Choose GigHound: Ensuring Licensed Recruitment and Worker Protection

September 21, 2023

In the rapidly evolving business landscape of Ontario, the importance of working with licensed temporary help agencies (THAs) and recruiters has never been more critical. With the introduction of Ontario's Bill 27, the Working for Workers Act, businesses are now faced with the responsibility of ensuring they partner with compliant agencies.

Here's why GigHound is the ideal choice:

Understanding Ontario's Bill 27 and Its Implications

Bill 27, part of the Working for Workers Act, introduces significant changes to employment legislation in Ontario. The most notable among these are:

  • Licensing requirements for THAs and recruiters to protect vulnerable workers and ensure ethical practices.
  • A two-part rollout of the licensing system, with provisions taking effect from July 1st, 2023, mandating agencies to register their recruiters and adhere to the necessary regulations.
  • Financial penalties for non-compliance by January 1st, 2024, impacting both the agency and the employers associated with them.

The GigHound Advantage

1. Compliance with Ontario's Regulations: GigHound, being a licensed entity, ensures that businesses are always in compliance with Ontario's regulations. This means that when you partner with GigHound, you're not just getting temporary labor; you're getting peace of mind.

2. Assurance of Legally Permitted Workers: GigHound ensures that all workers provided are legally permitted to work in Ontario, eliminating potential legal complications and ensuring a smooth workflow.

3. Trust and Transparency: GigHound's commitment to adhering to the ESA's licensing requirements is a testament to its dedication to transparency, trust, and top-notch service.

4. Avoiding Penalties: Violations of the ESA's licensing provisions can result in hefty penalties, including monetary fines and even prosecution. By choosing GigHound, businesses can avoid these potential pitfalls.

5. Protecting Vulnerable Workers: GigHound recognizes the importance of protecting vulnerable workers from potential exploitation. As Monte McNaughton, Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development, stated, the government's licensing system ensures that businesses can trust the THAs and recruiters they work with, and those who exploit workers face severe consequences.

Choosing a Trustworthy Agency: Questions to Ask

Before partnering with any agency, it's essential to ensure they meet the highest standards of compliance and ethics. Here are some questions businesses should consider:

  • Is the agency licensed under the Ontario Ministry of Labour?
  • Can they provide evidence of WSIB clearance?
  • Do they have any history of fines or violations?
  • How do they ensure their workers are legally permitted to work in Canada?
  • Do the math on their billing rate less minimum wage. Where are they getting their margin from? If your billing rate is just a little over minimum wage, it's safe to assume the workers you're getting are being exploited.

GigHound's Commitment to Excellence

GigHound, dedicated to upholding the highest standards of business ethics and worker protection, is in the process of undergoing the licensing process. We are committed to providing our clients and candidates with confidence in our compliance and worker protection measures. When partnering with GigHound, businesses can be assured of our adherence to the law, accurate record-keeping, and the provision of qualified workers.

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